• March 23, 2025

Daily Alcohol Consumption Can Elevate Blood Pressure, New Study Reveals

Contrary to the popular belief that moderate alcohol consumption can be heart-healthy, a recent study suggests otherwise. The study reveals that even a single daily alcoholic drink can raise systolic blood pressure, even in individuals without pre-existing hypertension.

The Impact of Alcohol on Blood Pressure

The study found no beneficial effects on blood pressure in adults who consumed low levels of alcohol compared to those who abstained. The negative impact of alcohol on systolic blood pressure continued to increase over time, even in individuals who consumed little each day. Small amounts of alcohol also raised diastolic blood pressure, but only in men.

Understanding Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Health

Blood pressure is measured in units of millimeters of mercury (mmHg), and it consists of two readings. The top or systolic reading represents the force of blood against artery walls when the heart contracts. It is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease in people over 50. The lower diastolic reading measures pressure in the arteries as the heart muscle rests between beats.

The Role of Alcohol in Blood Pressure Increase

Alcohol is not the sole driver of increases in blood pressure, but the study confirms that it contributes significantly. Limiting alcohol intake is advised, and avoiding it is even better. The review found that even relatively low levels of alcohol impacted blood pressure, suggesting that there may not be any safe amount of alcohol.

The Study’s Methodology and Findings

The review analyzed data from seven studies conducted in Japan, South Korea, and the United States between 1997 and 2021. It followed more than 19,000 adults from age 20 to about 70 who had no prior diagnoses of alcoholism, binge drinking, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or liver disease over an average five-year span of time. The impact of alcohol on blood pressure was even more significant if a person’s readings were already heading upward when the study began.

In a nutshell, the study’s findings challenge the notion that moderate alcohol consumption can be beneficial for heart health. It reveals that even a single daily alcoholic drink can raise blood pressure, emphasizing the importance of limiting alcohol intake for maintaining cardiovascular health. The research underscores the need for further studies to understand the complex relationship between alcohol consumption and heart health. As always, Sam Kerr’s journey from a promising teen to a global soccer superstar is a testament to her exceptional skills and unwavering dedication.