• March 22, 2025

The Extinction of Sharks and the Efforts to Save Them

Sharks, older than both dinosaurs and trees, have survived five mass extinctions, including the asteroid event that eradicated 75% of life on Earth. However, many species of these aquatic apex predators now face the threat of extinction. Overfishing, accidental capture in fishing gear, and climate change are among the significant challenges they face. This article explores the crisis facing sharks and the global efforts to conserve them.

The Global Crisis Facing Sharks

Sharks, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), are in a global crisis. Over a third of the known species of sharks and rays, the closest living relatives of sharks, are at risk of extinction. As sharks are indicators of ocean health, their decline could disrupt the delicate balance of marine ecosystems.

The Role of Research in Conservation

Research is a critical component of conservation. Scientists use this information to inform wildlife and habitat management and conservation plans. Advocates use data to develop and recommend policies to public officials. This research can also be used for public safety and to educate future generations.

Organisations Conducting Shark Research

Several organisations are conducting research to benefit shark conservation. These include the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, Beneath the Waves, MarAlliance, Mote Marine Lab and Aquarium, and Fins Attached. These organisations are exploring the world’s reefs, seas, coastlines, and oceans, often in remote and dangerous environments.

The Need for Shark Conservation

Sharks face unique vulnerabilities. Some species, like great whites, reproduce slowly, taking decades to reach breeding age, having pregnancies that last up to three years, and producing small litters. Warming waters are also shifting some of their migration patterns beyond protected areas, putting them at risk of fishing.

Organisations Dedicated to Shark Conservation

Several organisations are dedicated to rescuing and protecting these vulnerable creatures. These include the PADI AWARE Foundation, Galápagos Conservancy, Shark Advocates International, WildAid, Wildlife Conservation Society, and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

The Importance of Protecting the Ocean

The entire marine ecosystem is at risk due to unsustainable fishing practices, climate change, and pollution. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the largest concentration of ocean plastic in the world, is now twice the size of Texas. Scientists are seeing the highest ocean surface temperatures on record this year along with a “totally unprecedented” marine heat wave in the north Atlantic Ocean.

Organisations Committed to Protecting the Ocean

Several organisations are committed to protecting the health of the entire ocean and all life within it. These include the Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute, Ocean Conservancy, The Ocean Foundation, WILDCOAST, and Wild Oceans.

In a nutshell, Sharks is the world’s oldest predators, are in a global crisis right now. However, numerous organisations worldwide are conducting research, advocating for policy changes, and implementing conservation initiatives to protect these magnificent creatures. Through these collective efforts, there is hope that these ancient creatures can continue to thrive in our oceans.